Yamim Tovim

Yamim Noraim • Matanos l’evyonim • Kimcha D’pischa

about the project

For families in financial crisis, Yom Tov poses a particular challenge.  The Kupa’s Yom Tov campaigns provide these families with the additional funds they need to meet their holiday expenses and experience simchas Yom Tov.

Yom Tov Food and Clothing

Before Rosh Hashana, Purim, Pesach and Shavuos, families being helped by the Kupa receive significant assistance in order to purchase food and clothing for Yom Tov.

Pre-Pesach Community Sale

The Kupa’s Keren Lev Yisrael sale offers Pesach products to the entire community at reduced price.  The Kupa provides further assistance to needy families by applying an extra discount to their purchases. 

Matanos L’Evyonim Purim Campaign

The Kupa uses its annual wide-scale Purim campaign – culminating in the festive community parade – as an opportunity to provide large one-off sums to families who have particular funding needs.  For example, for a woman who needs 30,000 nis-worth of dental work.  Or for a man who needs 100,000 nis to avoid bankruptcy.  Instead of running separate campaigns for each issue as it arises, our Matanos L’Evyonim campaign serves this purpose.   

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Total amount distributed to RBS families for Yom Tov in 2023

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Distributed bo bayom on Purim day in 2023