One person. An infinite world.

One Community. A Home of infinite Chesed.

One KUPA. infinite SCOPE.

The Kupa Shel Tzedaka

Helping Every Person in Financial Crisis in RBS

For over the span of a generation, every person in Ramat Beit Shemesh has known that if they ever find themselves in financial straits they have somewhere to turn. 

That the Kupa Shel Tzedaka is here to support anyone in need.

If the strength of a community is measured by how it cares for its neediest members, then Ramat Beit Shemesh can proudly call itself the most thriving community in Israel. 

Over the past 25 years, the Kupa has expanded into the largest and most robust Kupa Shel Tzedaka in the entire country by far. It is a trailblazer and leader, guiding other Kupas in Israel in how to best help the needy.  Yet, despite its growth, it still remains the local community Kupa that gives individualized assistance with the personal touch.  


Project Food for All

Advocacy with Governmental Authorities

Tomchei Shabbos

Financial Assistance

Collaboration with the Welfare Agency & Other Community Organizations

Legal Guidance

Medical Crisis Fund

Financial Counseling

The Assistance Process

When a person in financial crisis comes to us, we provide comprehensive help until a solution is found.

Our intake counselor meets with him to get an initial picture of the crisis and determine what kind of assistance he needs.
Our financial counselor helps him draw up a full picture of his finances, including his income, expenses, old unpaid debt and the expenses from his current crisis (e.g. sudden unemployment or emergency surgery).
Based on the results of the financial review, the counselor will determine the plan of action to resolve this crisis.
A trained volunteer representative will provide regular financial guidance for the family for as long as they need until their crisis is resolved.
Alongside helping the family move towards financial independence, we provide them with the funds they need to meet their current expenses and resolve their crisis, whether it is money for food, clothing, therapy, a one-time medical expense or paying off a debt.
In order to provide this ongoing funding for families while protecting their dignity, the Kupa gives each family a CardKal, upon which money is uploaded on a monthly basis, according to their needs. Appearing like a regular debit card, they swipe it to make purchases at the supermarket. They walk out with the food they need to feed their family – and with their dignity as well.
Plan of Action
Financial Assistance
The CardKal


0 m
Total funds distributed for all Kupa projects in RBS in 2023



Received direct financial assistance in 2023

0 M

Direct financial assistance to needy families in 2023


Helped through Vezakeini Projects in 2023


Received direct financial assistance in 2023

0 m
Total funds distributed for all Kupa projects in RBS in 2023


0 M

Direct financial assistance to needy families in 2023


Helped through Vezakeini Projects in 2023

Yamim Tovim:

  • Yamim Noraim
  • Matanos l’evyonim
  • Kimcha D’pischa

For families in financial crisis, Yom Tov poses a particular challenge.  The Kupa’s Yom Tov campaigns provide these families with the additional funds they need to meet their holiday expenses and experience simchas Yom Tov.



Heart to Cause

Harnessing the truism that people donate to causes they personally connect to, this website presents a variety of campaigns being run to fund the specific needs of families helped by the Kupa – needs such as clothing, debt relief or therapy. Caring Yidden around the world can choose a cause that speaks to their heart and donate or raise funds to help their brother in need.

Israel Food Basket

With the recent soaring food prices, helping struggling families purchase their daily needs has become increasingly difficult. Through this innovative website, run in cooperation with the Mehadrin Express supermarket chain, donors can fill up their cart with selected items and send their own tailor-made food basket to a needy family’s door, in a dignified and discreet manner.

OTHER organizations WE WORK WITH